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Our Blog

Welcome to our go-karting community blog, where the thrill of the track meets family fun. Designed for parents and children who share a passion for go-kart racing, our blog offers expert tips, inspiring stories, and practical advice to fuel your racing journey. Whether you're beginners taking your first lap or seasoned racers looking for advanced techniques, join us as we navigate the exciting world of go-karting together. Let's gear up for an adventure filled with speed, learning, and unforgettable family moments!

Mental Health and Wellbeing for Kids in Go Karting

Go-Karting and The Value of Self-Reliance Dr Josep Vilanova, LMS, MRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist (From Rainbow Medical) These days, more and more people are worried about the mental health of children. Academic expectations, peer relationships, and family troubles are just a few of the many things that can put kids at risk for developing mental health issues. If you have looked for profess...


Parent to Parent Advice

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Please remember, we are not a professional race team, this site is to provide some help to others who share my dream, and live, sleep all things Go-Karting!

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